How to Write a Successful Crowdfunding Pitch

Saish Ashok Bhise
4 min readApr 26, 2024

As the famous theoretical physicist, Dr Albert Einstein stated that compound interest is the eighth wonder in the world, on a similar note crowdfunding can be deemed as the ninth wonder in the world. By definition, crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or a venture by raising money from a large number of people who each contribute a relatively small amount, typically via the Internet.

Small-time musicians, novice filmmakers, new budding artists, and practically anyone to everyone can successfully raise funds and foster awareness through crowdfunding. That’s the magic of crowdfunding.

In today’s article, we will talk about how to write the perfect crowdfunding pitch. Crowdfunding isn’t a piece of cake, the bitter truth is that only around 50% of crowdfunding campaigns are successful. So for every successful crowdfunding campaign, one fails to meet its target.

There is a multitude of things that make a crowdfunding campaign successful but one of the most important ones is the initial pitch of the campaign. And if you are looking for a set of templates here, you won’t find them. Ready-made templates give you a standardised format, and what works is that what is outside the box, something beyond ordinary, something extraordinary

Whether you are raising money on Filaantro or many other alternatives similar to Filaantro you’ll need a strong campaign to win. In this article, we will discuss the five major tips you’ll need to write for a strong campaign to win.

Here are the five tips that’ll make your campaign win for sure:

Photo by davide ragusa on Unsplash

1) Write a strong compelling title:

There is no use in writing a strong campaign story when your campaign title is weak. Before you even begin to write your crowdfunding campaign pitch make sure to brainstorm on creating a compelling title. The primary goal of the campaign title is to woo people to click on it and read on further. So the next time when you think of starting a crowdfunding campaign, think of a compelling title first.

2) Use the description to describe the problem and the solution:

A good successful crowdfunding campaign has a compelling storyline to tell. Describe your problem in detail. Make use of descriptive adjectives as much as verbs and synonyms. Tone down your vocabulary a tad bit, you wouldn’t want your audience to skip the content due to its high-tone vocabulary. Make use of positive words, and quotes to enhance your campaign storyline. Make sure to give enough importance to the solution too. Highlight and put more emphasis on the solution. Also, ensure that your crowdfunding story or description is error-free.

3) Use images or videos to create a compelling story:

Good images make a long-lasting compelling effect on the reader. Supplemented by a good storyline video testimonials also do make a great impact. In the end, the most important thing is to touch the reader’s heart and tune in with his empathetic emotions. Once you fine-tune your connection with the reader’s emotions, donations follow in easily.

4) Leverage the power of Social Media:

Social Media is also dubbed the new black gold. Never underestimate the power of social media. There are ample examples of how some campaigns went viral on social media and successfully met their respective targets within a few days. Always make it a habit to share your campaign on all the top-tier social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Linkedin, etc. Social media will ensure that your campaign story reaches millions of viewers for free.

5) Regularly share updates:

Once you launch a campaign don’t just sit and hope for the best, try building stories on every recent update. Share these updates on social media to grow your outreach. Your donors want to know more about your campaign so keep them updated about your recent happenings. Make sure to also write a compelling story about your recent update, don’t just bluntly state the present.

Photo by rupixen on Unsplash

Overall, creating a successful crowdfunding campaign is strategic gameplay. As observed in any or every game, there is a set of rules that need to be abided by. On a similar note while creating a successful crowdfunding campaign there is a set of unsaid rules to be followed. If you abide by the rules you can create a successful crowdfunding campaign. And last but not least, rules are meant to be broken, so don’t restrict yourself only to the rules, be experimental at the same time.



Saish Ashok Bhise

I am an aspiring Investigative journalist and I read mostly biographies and write short stories, essays, excerpts from them.